Sunday, November 8, 2009

8. Knowing your own mind

Questionnaires designed to help you decide how to make the best possible use of of your personal strengths, how best to conquer your weaknesses and how to use the Mindpower techniques which are likely to be most useful to you.

Do you let enough of laughter in your life? (answer them "yes" or "no")
  1. Do you find it difficult to laugh at yourself?
  2. Do you get cross if you are in an important meeting and someone starts to tell a joke or funny story?
  3. Would you be deeply offended if you did something silly and people laughed at you?
  4. Do you orefer watching serious documentaries to light comedy films?
  5. Do you think your position or status means that you need to behave in a serious manner when in public?
  6. Do you think cartoon books and comic magazines are a waste of time?
  7. Do you think that sex and humour should be kept apart?
  8. Would you be embarrased to laugh out loud in a hospital or church?
  9. Do you think that practical jokes are invariably childish?
  10. Dp you think the people who laugh a lot are immature?
Answers "yes" to 4 or fewer questions=> humour plays a sensible part in your life.
"Yes" to 5 or more questions=> there is probably too little laughter in your life.
Laughter can offer protection as well as provide a healing force.

Has your life got purpose?
  1. Do you feel that something is slacking in your life?
  2. Are you frequently bored?
  3. Do you have any unfulfilled ambition?
  4. Do you wish you had more responsibility?
  5. Do you sometimes think that you are wasting your life?
  6. Are you doing what you dreamt of doing when you were 18years old?
  7. Do you look forward to the future?
  8. Do you wish you were extended more often?
  9. Have you got any talent or skills which are not fully employed?
  10. Are you proud of your achievements?
  1. YES: 1 points; NO: 0 points
  2. YES: 1 points; NO: 0 points
  3. YES: 0 points; NO: 1 points
  4. YES: 1 points; NO: 0 points
  5. YES: 1 points; NO: 0 points
  6. YES: 0 points; NO: 1 points
  7. YES: 0 points; NO: 1 points
  8. YES: 1 points; NO: 0 points
  9. YES: 1 points; NO: 0 points
  10. YES: 0 points; NO: 1 points
Scores: 7-10 => you definitely need more purpose in life.
Scores: 4-6 => you are not so dangerously short of satisfaction.
Scores: 3 or les s=> your life is rich in purpose and you seem likely to satisfy some if not all of your ambitions. Atleast you will have tried.

Are you floating on Optimism - or sunk by Pessimism?
  1. Do you ever bet?
  2. Do you ever dream about what you would do if you suddenly came into a large sum of money?
  3. Do you routinely carry a safety pin with you in case something breaks?
  4. If you heard a knowck on the door late at night, would you asssume that it meant either bad news or trouble of some work?
  5. You get a valentine card but you don't know who it is from. would yo assume that it was a joke from a friend rather than a message from an unknown admirer?
  6. Would you ever go away without making hotel reservation before hand?
  7. Do you regularly spend money on insurance of one sort or another?
  8. When you're going out, do you always carry a macintosh or umbrella?
  9. If your doctor arranged for you to see a hospital consultant, would you assume that something serious must be wrong?
  10. Would you catchon earlier train than necessary if you had an important appointment?

  1. YES: 1 point; NO: 0 point
  2. YES: 1 point; NO: 0 point
  3. YES: 0 point; NO: 1 point
  4. YES: 0 point; NO: 1 point
  5. YES: 0 point; NO: 1 point
  6. YES: 1 point; NO: 0 point
  7. YES: 0 point; NO: 1 point
  8. YES: 0 point; NO: 1 point
  9. YES: 0 point; NO: 1 point
  10. YES: 0 point; NO: 1 point
7-10 => You are an absolute optimist. Your approach to life should ensure that your health is not adversely affected by your attitude towards minor problems and troubles. (Although you should be aware that if your attitude becomes too cavelier, you could find yourself in tremendous trouble one day).

4 or less => You are an absolute pessimist. Your approach to life will probably affect your health adversely and you should try to modify your natural pessimistic feelings.
4, 5, 6 =>  You are fairly well balanced but you could undoubtedly enhance your health by learning how to deal with your ups and downs in a more optimistic way.

Are you so cool that your that you health is suffering?
  1. Do you love someone you love atleast once everyday?
  2. Do you enjoy physical signs of affection?
  3. Do you regularly tell those you love just how you feel about them?
  4. Do you enjoy being kissed and hugged by people you love?
  5. Do you dislike sleeping alone?
  6. Have you ever had a pet of which you were very fond?
  7. Do you enjoy being massaged?
  8. Would you happily hold hand in public with someone you care for?
  9. Do you think women should be encouraged to breastfeed babies in public?
  10. Do you ever get broody when you see small babies?
less than 5 => you are rather cool individual and you should take efforts to allow yourself to care for others. You should try to let yourself show your affection without feelinf guilty or embarrassed.

5 or more => you are already a very caring person with few problems in the area.

Have you got your priorities right?
There are no right or wrong answers, but they will help you learn a great deal about your ability to differentiate between important things in your life and the trivia.
  1. Do you know what things are important in your life?
  2. Do you always make sure that those things take precedence over other areas of your life?
  3. Do yoou find it easy to delegate responsibility for minor problems?
  4. Do you ever waste time worrying about the trivial problems?
  5. How far would you go to protect or further the priorities in your life?
  6. What things in your life gave you the greatest happiness?
  7. What things in your life makes you most miserable?
  8. How much time do you spend on those things that give you happiness?
  9. How much time do you spend on those things that make you miserable?
  10. Which individuals contribute most to your happiness?
  11. Which individuals contribute most to your unhappiness?
  12. How much time do you spend with the people you care about the most?
  13. How much time do you spend with the people you don't really like?
  14. How much time do you spend enjoying yourself?
  15. How important is money to you?
  16. How much time do you spend making money?
  17. How important is your work?
  18. How much time do you spend worrying about your work?
  19. How important to you are your possessions?
  20. How much time do you spend making money to buy possessions?
  21. How important ae your hobbies?
  22. How much time do you spend on your hobbies?
  23. What is your most important ambition?
  24. How would you best improve the quality of your life?
  25. What priorities do the people who are close yo you have?

Do you need to assert yourself more?
(Answer 'yes' or 'no', add up total number of 'yes' points.)
  1. Do you ever find yourself accepting invitations that you would really rather turn down?
  2. Do you sit on any committees that you consider to be a waste of time?
  3. Do you ever go out to dinner or to see friends when you would rather have a quite evening at home?
  4. Would you feel gulity if you let the telephone ring without answering it?
  5. Have you ever lent anyone money or (or anything else) because you didn't like to say 'no'?
  6. When watching television, do you invariably end up watching what someone else wants to watch?
  7. If a waiter was rude to you, would yyou put up with his behaviour rather than complain?
  8. Do you ever buy things that you don't really want because you don't like to disappoint the salesman?
  9. Do you ever take holidays in places you don't really like?
  10. Do you ever spend Christmas with people you don't get on with particularly well?
7-10 points => your lack of confidence is very likely to be having an adverse effect on your health. You need to assert yourself more and take greater control on your life.
3-6 points => You still probably need to assert yourself a little more.
2 or fewer => you are unlikely to need advice on how to assert.

Do you have healthy attitude towards crying?
  1. Do you feel guilty if you cry in public?
  2. Do you think that crying is usually a sign of weakness?
  3. Do you think that boys should be encouraged to hide their tears?
  4. Do you feel embarrased if you cry while watching  a film or reading a book with a sensitive theme?
  5. Would you try to hold back your tears if you attending a funeral or some other sad events?
  6. Would you distrust a leader who shed tears in public?
  7. Would you pretend that you had something in your eye if you were unexpectedly discovered crying?
  8. Do you get embarrassed if you see grown men crying?
  9. Would you allow someone to comfort you if you were found crying?
  10. Do you think tears are an unnecessary expression of emotion?
3 or more => Your attitude to crying is not healthy.
Crying is a natural response and suppressing tears is storing up of the trouble for yourself.

Is anger damaging your health?
  1. Do you always try to hide your anger?
  2. Do you tend to stay angry for long periods of time?
  3. Does your temper ever get out of control?
  4. Do you suffer from physical symptoms (headaches, stomach pains, etc) when you are angry?
  5. Do you always try to resist the temptation to complain if you are angry about something?
  6. do you get cross quite often?
  7. Do you tend to brood about things which have make you angry?
  8. Do you have difficulty in getting to sleep after something has annoyed you?
  9. Does your face go red (white) when you are angry?
  10. Do you have ever got into trouble because of your anger?
7-10 => You do need to learn to control your anger.
4-6 => Anger is likely to produce problem
3 or less => Anger is unlikely to be a major force in your life, nor it is likely to cause you any physical or mental damage.

Do you need to be ill?
  1. Do you suffer from any symptom which disappear and reappear at apperantly irregular and unexpected interval?
  2. do you have any long term medical problem for which your doctor has been unable to find any explanation?
  3. When you were small, did you ever use any physical symptom of any kind to enable you to stay away from school?
  4. Have you ever felt secretely pleased when you've developed an illness which has enabled you to avoid some unpleasant social event?
  5. When you were ill as a child, did your mother did a tremendous fuss of you?
  6. Do you enjoy being looked after when you are ill?
  7. Do you regularly have to miss important but unpleasant appointments through ill health?
  8. Do you unvariably develop mild physical symptoms (nausea, diarrhoea, muscular pain, etc) when you are under pressure or stress?
  9. Has anyone ever accused you of malingering?
  10. Do you tend to retire to your bed if you are upset, worried or anxious?
Score: 'yes' points
7 or more => It is very likely that you (probably unconsciously) regularly use symptoms of ill health to enable you to avoid unpleasant confrontation or threatening experiences. The real problem in using ill health in this way is that you are never likely to get healthy as long as you need your illness.
4-7 => it is possible that you use ill health as a weapon.
3 or fewer => it is unlikely that you use ill health as a weapon.

Do you need more excitement in your life?
  1. Do you think you are in a rut?
  2. Do you regularly get bored?
  3. Do you wish that you had more responsibility?
  4. Do yo regularly spend time operating machinery over which you have little or no control?
  5. Do you usually know what you are going to do each day?
  6. Do your partners habits regularly get on your nerves?
  7. Does television provides most of the highlights in your life?
  8. Is your partner totally predictable in your bed?
  9. Do you wish there were more surprises in your life?
  10. Do you envy people who live exciting life?
Scores: 'Yes' points
7-10 => You are suffering badly from boredom. You desperately need to add excitement in your life.
4-6 => Boredom is a fairly major driving force affecting your health. Do something o combat your boredom.
3 or less => boredom is unlikely to play important partt in your life.

Do you need to be more self-confident?
  1. Do you usually avoid doing things that might upset other people - even if there are things you would like to do?
  2. Do you feel bad if you go into shop and come out without having bought anything?
  3. Do you invariably dress to please other people?
  4. Do you spend a lot of your life doing things that you don't enjoy?
  5. Do you feel guilty if you really enjoy yourself?
  6. Do you let other people run your life for you?
  7. Do you think that you have far more weakness than strengths?
  8. Do you worry a lot if you accidently upset other people?
  9. Do you regularly find yourself apologising to other people?
  10. Do you often find yourself wishing that you had more skills and talents?
Score: 'Yes' points
7-10 => You are desperately in need of more confidence. Your lack of self-confidence is undoubtedly havinf an adverse effect on your health.
3-6 => It is stil quite likely that your lack of self-confidence is afecting your health
2 or less => Your health is unlikely to be damaged by lack of confidence you may feel

How do your Relationship with others affect your health?
Make a list of all the people with whom you have close and important relationships.
Beginning with the top name on your list, answer the questions that follows.
Repeat the questions foe each individual on your list.
Answers to your questions will help you to understand your relationships withh others a little better.
  1. Who is the stronger partner in yoour relationship?
  2. Do you tend to lean on him/her a great deal?
  3. Does he/she end to lean on you a great deal?
  4. Do you tend to take him/her for granted a good deal?
  5. Does he/she tend to take you for granted?
  6. Can you always rely on him/her when you need help?
  7. Can he/she rely on you when he/she needs help?
  8. Does he/she ever intimidate or frighten you?
  9. Do you think you ever intimidate or frighten him/her?
  10. Is he/she dependent on you for money?
  11. Are you dependent on him/her for money?
  12. Would you trust him/her with money or important possessions?
  13. Do you think he/she would trust you with money or important possessions?
  14. Do you like him/her?
  15. Do you love him/her?
  16. Do you think he/she likes you?
  17. Do you think he/she loves you?
  18. What you gain from your relationship?
  19. What does he/she gain from your relationship?
  20. Do you always talk kindly about him/her when he/she not present?
  21. Do you think he/she always talk kindly about you when you are absent?
  22. What are his/her greatest ambitions?
  23. What are his/her greatest fears?
  24. What do you think is the most important thing in his/her life?
  25. If your car broke down at 3 in the morning, would you be able to ring him/her and ask for help?
  26. If his/her car broke down at 3 in the morning, would he/she be able to ring you and ask for help?
  27. Does he/she benefit financially from your relationship?
  28. Do you benefit financially fro your relationship?
  29. What annoys you most about him/her?
  30. What do you think annoys him/her most about you?
There are no correct answers to these questions. But if you think about your answers carefully, you may find that you may learn something about your relationship with and your attitudes to other people.

How Tranquil are you?
(To find out how vulnerable is your mind to stress and pressure)
Answer 'yes' or 'no'
Add up all 'yes'
  1. Do you get easily irritated?
  2. Do you ever suffer from panic attacks?
  3. Do you find it difficult to relax?
  4. Do you wish you had less responsibility?
  5. Do you find yourself getting frustrated a good deal?
  6. Do you need a tranquilisers or sleeping tablets to help you deal with stress or pressure?
  7. Do you ever feel like packing it all in and running away?
  8. Do you ever suffer from any symptoms which are caused by or made worse by pressure?
  9. Do you describe yourself as a "worrier"?
  10. Do you always seem to be in a hurry?
7-10 => You would benefit enormously from learning how to relax your mind. You are extremely susceptible to stress, pressure, anxiety and worry.
4-6 => You are far less susceptible to worry and stress, But you would still benefit from learning how to relax your mind.
3 or less => You are fairly strong. But you might still benefit from studying the pages dealing with tranquility.

How physically tense are you?
(How vulnerable is your bodyto stress and pressures.)
Answer 'yes' or 'no'
Add up all 'yes'
  1. When you are excited , do you ever have difficulty in breathing or do you ever wheeze? 
  2. When you are angry, does your face ever go red?
  3. When you are frightened or anxious, do yo sweat?
  4. Do you ever get butterflies in your stomach?
  5. do you ever suffer from palpitation when you are anxious or upset?
  6. Do you ever suffer from vomitting or diarrhoea before important occasions?
  7. Does your pulse ever raise when you are excited?
  8. Do you ever develop a rash when you are excited or nervous?
  9. do you ever get headaches when you are worried?
  10. Have you ever fainted when you've been frightened?
7-10 => your body is particularly susceptible to stress and pressure.
3-6 => average
2 or fewer => you are less vulnerable than most individuals to physical problems produced by stress.

How well developed is your imagination?
'yes' or 'no'
  1. Do you dream while you are asleep?
  2. Did you ever daydream as a child?
  3. Have you ever had a nightmare?
  4. Do you ever fantasise about people you know or about film stars or celebrities?
  5. Have you ever had a feeling of "deja vu"? (Thinking that you have been somewhere before, when in reality it is your first visit.?)
  6. Do you ever fantasise when making love?
  7. Do you have any strong religious beliefs?
  8. do you ever get frightened when watching horror movies?
  9. Do you ever wonder what it would have been like to live in a different centuary?
  10. Do you ever worry about your loved ones' safety when they are travelling?
The more times you answeres 'yes', the greater the power of your imagination. But as long as you answered 'yes' atleast once, your imagination is powerful enough to be used as a healing force.

How strong is your sense of intuition?
  1. Do you tend to do well in guessing games?
  2. Have you ever had a long run of good luck when gambling?
  3. Have you ever had bad dreams which turned out to be true?
  4. Have you ever known what was in a letter before opening it?
  5. Have you ever thought about someone you haven't heard from and then out of blue, received a telephone call, postcard or letter from them? Or met them unexpectedly in the street?
  6. Do you ever know what people are going to say it?
  7. Have you ever heard voices telling you what to do?
  8. Have you ever known who was on the other end before picking up a ringing telephone?
  9. Have you ever felt that a house was right for you the moment you saw it?
  10. Have you ever felt that you wanted to know someone better after seeing them for no more than instant?
If you answered yes to atleast one question, you have intuitive powers that you could use to your advantage. The greater your scores, the greater your powers.

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